What is Sensual Poetic Alchemy ™ ?
Come on this passionate journey with Poet and Life Coach sunshynethadevine of Harambee House of Wellness, as she helps you tap into your femininity and bring out your inner Goddess through sensual and erotic poetry writing and performing.
Sensual-of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
Poetic- relating to or used in poetry; having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression.
Alchemy- a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
Sensual-of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
Poetic- relating to or used in poetry; having an imaginative or sensitively emotional style of expression.
Alchemy- a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
Sensual Poetic Alchemy™ is an 8 week creative writing course, designed by life coach, energy healing practitioner and poet Shanika sunshynethadevine Purnell, CLC. This course was developed to:
- Assist each participant to tap into their femininity
- To boost and build self-esteem
- To bring out creativity, assist overall healing and allow total expression of self
- To connect to the creative center(womb)
- To experience being featured in an open mic event
- To learn The art of seduction
- Assist in manifesting purpose
- To release pent-up emotions trapped in the body
- To connect with self and others
- Develop stage persona
- To create your very own poetry
- To experience life coaching, energy healing and creative expression as a combined healing technique
- To teach the artistry of spoken-word performance
- To help remove the stigma and separation of sensuality, sexuality and spirituality.
- To empower and ignite
- And more…….
The concept of alchemy is, using any magical power or process to turn something of little value into something greater. In today’s society, we are dealing with tremendous amounts of unhealed, unresolved challenges that are detrimental to our self-esteem, Many of us believe that we are of little or no value. This being indicated by the way we feel about ourselves, the relationships that we have, the foods that we put into our bodies, and many more signs and symptoms of low self-esteem.
The purpose of Sensual Poetic Alchemy™ is to help ignite the realization of the beautiful being that you are! The worthiness and admiration that you deserve from others, but most importantly for you to shower upon yourself. It will benefit each participant by helping them actively use their voice and stand in their strength. Allowing the passion inside of you that needs to be released to flourish. The power and magic that you have shall be activated. It's designed to help us tap into that uniqueness of ourselves. In the process of learning, loving and being you, you can take these concepts that you will learn and create a career to be a Spoken Word Advocate to help others become more empowered. How AMAZING is that. Combining the techniques of spiritual healing, sexual healing, sensual movement, energy healing and the art of writing and performing spoken word, This program is a very attractive way of dealing with traumas, grief, depression, blockages, fear and taking those negative feelings or energies to create something so beautiful and powerful that you have to share with the world!
18+ Only
The purpose of Sensual Poetic Alchemy™ is to help ignite the realization of the beautiful being that you are! The worthiness and admiration that you deserve from others, but most importantly for you to shower upon yourself. It will benefit each participant by helping them actively use their voice and stand in their strength. Allowing the passion inside of you that needs to be released to flourish. The power and magic that you have shall be activated. It's designed to help us tap into that uniqueness of ourselves. In the process of learning, loving and being you, you can take these concepts that you will learn and create a career to be a Spoken Word Advocate to help others become more empowered. How AMAZING is that. Combining the techniques of spiritual healing, sexual healing, sensual movement, energy healing and the art of writing and performing spoken word, This program is a very attractive way of dealing with traumas, grief, depression, blockages, fear and taking those negative feelings or energies to create something so beautiful and powerful that you have to share with the world!
18+ Only
WHEN: September 24-Nov 12 2023 Open Mic Showcase : Nov 18. 2023
CLASS MEETS: Every Sunday 1-3pm for 8 weeks starting September 24th
WHERE: Online and In person Snellville Ga. Address disclosed to paid participants
COST: Early Bird $444 before August 24th/ After $555
DOWN PAYMENT: $222 If paid between Now and August 23rd 2023 Early Bird price honored.
REMAINDER DUE: September 13th 2023 (11 days before course begins)
LIMITED SPACES: Spaces are limited, First come from serve.
FORMS OF PAYMENTS: Cash, Zelle, Money Order
CLASS MEETS: Every Sunday 1-3pm for 8 weeks starting September 24th
WHERE: Online and In person Snellville Ga. Address disclosed to paid participants
COST: Early Bird $444 before August 24th/ After $555
DOWN PAYMENT: $222 If paid between Now and August 23rd 2023 Early Bird price honored.
REMAINDER DUE: September 13th 2023 (11 days before course begins)
LIMITED SPACES: Spaces are limited, First come from serve.
FORMS OF PAYMENTS: Cash, Zelle, Money Order